There is no need to talk about the fact that the aromolamp creates an aura of prosperity and bliss around itself.
As a rule, aromolamps are made ceramic.
If the situation requires it, then you can get out of the situation in this way. Let's make it out of a couple of beer cans, a small CD disc and a candle. Of the tools and materials you will need long scissors, glue, a little copper wire. Work begins with cutting the bottom of one jar and the other neck.
We dissolve the wall of one can on tapes 6-8 mm wide
We bend the plates at an angle of 90 degrees
Next, the jar needs to be turned over and a ring equal to the diameter of the jar is made from the plate of the metal strip
Shorten jar strips. Do not throw away the scraps, they will come in handy soon. Start skinny ring
At the end above the bottom of the jar we set another bottom.
A double bottom with an air gap will not allow the rapid evaporation of aromatic liquid
From the scraps of strips we twist the spirals and decorate the evaporator wall
Decorate the evaporator with rings of wire. They will simultaneously take on themselves the excess heat of the candle. A decorative decoration can be installed above the liquid inlet
Glue the legs to the back of the disk
In an inverted position, the disk will serve as the basis for the entire crafts.
From metal strips we make racks for the evaporator
We install the evaporator on the ends of the racks - the aroma lamp is ready!
If you are not tired yet, you can ennoble her appearance. Cut plates for thin metal racks, make them according to the proposed shape and glue them to the racks
These are the main parts of the craft.
The evaporator in the removed position
Candle burning
In final form
May success help you! : bully: