Simple shoe rack is very easy to manufacture.
We will need two pieces of plywood, a wooden block, several furniture corners with bolts and nuts, coating material (100% pile polypropylene was used as the material for the manufacture of door and car mats. Dimensions 40x60 cm, average price 25 rubles). Of the tools: a hacksaw, a furniture stapler, any varnish (the cheapest is suitable), a drill.
To begin, cut off with a hacksaw 25 cm long bars in the amount of 4 pieces that will serve as legs (the size of the original bar is 20x40x2000 mm).
Next, we attach two corners to the bars at both ends (since there will be only 2 shelves), after making holes with a drill.
For the lower part, we make an end-to-end corner, and for the upper part we go back 1 cm (plywood thickness).

A piece of plywood is cut to the size of the material. This operation is easy to carry out in a large hardware store, where they carry out free sawing upon purchase.
We fix the bars with the corners to the plywood with the help of bolts (we make the holes as before with a drill).
Next, similarly install the upper shelf.
As a result, we get:
We paint with varnish or paint, so the shoes are sometimes wet.
We fix our material on shelves using a furniture stapler, or you can use ordinary stationery hobbies.
The cost of all materials amounted to 250 rubles. The result was a shoe rack for 6 pairs of shoes.