Everyone remembers the tales of A.S. Pushkin and his stories about living and dead water. There was some truth in these tales. Of course, it is impossible to revive a person with living water these days, but still, such a liquid has a certain meaning.
To start, the video of the manufacture of the device:
[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = rQhAMaa2uSA]
To create living and dead water, you need:
- clean spring or standing water for at least 24 hours;
- 2 circles;
- 2 stainless steel forks;
- 1 diode;
- bandage;
- cotton wool;
- 1 light bulb, watts at 20-25;
- wire with plug;
- electrical tape.

Before we begin assembling our design, we need to draw a diagram, which we will guide during the assembly.

We take two forks and put them in a mug with the legs, the tip should look at us.

We fix the diode on the right fork between the teeth.

We connect a wire to the diode, where one end should go to the bulb, and we wrap all the connections with electrical tape.
The second end of the wire going to the bulb, we attach to the second plug. Do not forget to wrap all wire connections with other parts with electrical tape.

All installation is ready. To check it, you need to plug in the socket, if the light is on, the installation is ready for use.

Now you need to make a bridge for ions. For this we need a bandage and cotton wool.
We take cotton wool and wrap with a medical bandage. We should get a “sausage” of cotton wool, wrapped in a bandage, about 10-15 centimeters long.
Now we pour water into both mugs.
Then we wet our bridge in water so that it is wet and in the form of an arc we put on two edges of both circles.
Everything, our installation is ready. We plug it into a 220 volt network and wait.

If you look closely, you can see small bubbles from the electrodes, this indicates that the process has begun.
The diode is located so that the right circle (with the diode) has a positive potential, and the second circle with a negative potential.

On the positive potential, we get dead water, and on the negative potential, live water.
When the process of connecting the electrodes is completed, we remove the jumper from the bandage that connects the two vessels.
Important! Observe electrical safety when the device is plugged in, then it is not recommended to touch the electrodes, since the mains voltage is present on them. Only by turning off the device from the outlet can you remove the electrodes.