In extreme heat, we want coolness, but the freezer is not always at hand, and the drink in the store very often does not have time to cool. There is a very simple way that will help cool any drink in 10 minutes. This method can make not only a drink in a bottle cool, but also hot tea from a cafe.
How to cool a drink in 10 minutes, you can watch in our video:
In order to cool the drink in 10 minutes we need:
- a drink;
- salt;
- water;
- ice;
- basin.

The first thing we do is salt water, for this we need a few teaspoons of salt, a container and water.
Pour water into our container and pour half a glass of salt into it and mix everything, the salt should completely dissolve in water.
We got salt water, now we throw ice into this salt water. The ice can be pre-frozen in the freezer using molds or simply by putting several plastic cups in ordinary water in the freezer so that it freezes.

The water turned out to be very cold due to the combination of salt and ice, the drink in such water will cool several times faster. It took us only 10 minutes to cool it significantly.

This method can be useful not only for a drink, but also for meat, if you, for example, are in the country, and you do not have electricity or a refrigerator there. The only thing is that meat or any other food that needs to be stored for several hours will need to be placed in a vacuum bag or container in which cold salt water will not leak. Using salt, water and ice, you can store any product for several hours. For best effectiveness, it is not recommended to put ice water in the sun, even if you are outdoors, put a basin in the shade or cover it with any cloth.