It is very difficult to find a glue of good quality that glues two plastic surfaces very quickly and lasts for a long time. In order not to look for a reliable manufacturer and not throw money on various brands of glue, make the glue yourself.
We suggest you watch a video on how to make glue for making plastic parts yourself in home conditions using improvised materials.
[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = gfd9VuQdaA0]
For the manufacture of glue for crafts made of plastic, we need:
- technical acetone;
- Styrofoam;
- a small glass vial;
- electrical tape;
- polystyrene shavings.

Pour acetone into the vial. We need to fill the third part of the bubble.

Add a little foam to the acetone vial. The foam can not be crushed into small pieces, it will dissolve on its own under the influence of acetone. We have enough piece that will be in size, like our little finger.

Scissors cut several of these pieces of their foam and dissolve them in a bubble in acetone. No matter how much foam you add there, it will dissolve, the liquid inside the jar will be cloudy in color.

After you have dissolved everything, the jar must be hermetically sealed. For this, we fasten the lid with tape to a jar.

Next, you need to make polystyrene additives. As an example, the photo shows you glue from acetone, polystyrene and polystyrene.
We return again to our not yet prepared glue. It remains for us to add a little shavings to it, which was taken from a bush of plastic polystyrene.

We fill the jar with acetone and polystyrene with chips and let it dissolve. Do not forget to make the jar airtight and again wrap everything with electrical tape.

For complete preparation, the glue needs to stand exactly one day and then it will fasten the plastic better than the glue-moment.
Also in acetone, you can add shavings of red polystyrene and other colors.