To make a beautiful and original watch from improvised materials for your home is not a big difficulty and a waste of time.
For the manufacture of crafts required:
1 - watch mechanism. A mechanism from a small and inexpensive alarm clock is best suited for this purpose;
2 - CD; It is advisable to choose a new one with good refraction of the rays of light;
3 - oval, round or square plastic plate;
4 - a wire with a diameter of 3 mm about 30 cm;
5 - rhinestones 12 pieces;
6 - small strips of metal from beer cans for making arrows;
7 - golden sparkles;
8 - acrylic, or other varnish.
Step 1: make markup on the CD, dividing it into 12 segments, glue rhinestones with numbers printed on them. We cut a square hole in the center of the disk to fit the clockwork. We seal the central part of the front side of the disk with a picture, leaving a hole for installing arrows. We insert the mechanism into the disk, glue the metal strips onto the small arrows. The main unit is a dial with a mechanism and arrows ready.
Step 2: we cut the same square hole in the plastic plate as in the CD. Here it is necessary to observe accuracy so that after installing the mechanism in this slot, it sits firmly.
Step 3: make a stand from the wire on which the watch will stand.
Step 4: lightly spray the front of the dish from the spray can, sprinkle spangles and allow to dry. Top can be varnished again. Let dry again.
Step 5: fasten the stand and plate with metal brackets made of thin wire in 3-4 places.
Step 6: insert the mechanism with the dial into the plate, on the back of the watch and plate can be fixed with glue. Watch ready