Caches have a very ancient history. Even in ancient Egypt, various caches were built in the pyramids, where jewels, sacred objects and other important things were stored. Caches have not lost their popularity at all. Today, we also prefer to store jewelry, money and other important things and objects for us in safes and hiding places. Before we published several materials for the manufacture of hiding places. Continuing the topic, we present to you a new material in which a method for making a cache of cactus will be considered.
We suggest that you first familiarize yourself with the video, and then repeat the whole process with your own hand.
[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = h2gsuYyBpY4]
So, in order to make a cache of cactus, we need:
- glue gun;
- flat pebble;
- a piece of PVC pipe;
- a container for drugs;
- a pot of cactus.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that it is desirable that the container from under the medicines be airtight and have a cork. As for the PVC pipe, we need to cut off the connecting part from it so that this part fits the size of the medicine container. When all the materials are ready, you can safely get down to business.
Then we need to glue the flat pebble to the container lid. Stone to plastic will not be easily glued. In order to facilitate the task, you can make several scratches on the lid with a stationery knife or sandpaper. It should also be noted that the pebble should be much larger in diameter than the lid so that no plastic box is visible behind the stone.

Next, we insert our hermetic container into a piece of PVC pipe and go to the pot with cactus.

Now we have to dig our preparation into the ground. For greater convenience, you can take a conventional marker, make it a small depression, and then insert the container with the pipe into the ground. The container must be pushed so that only one stone remains on the ground.

We cover the plastic parts with earth. Our cache is ready. It is easily removed from the pot thanks to the stone on the lid. The tightness of the box allows you to store in it a flash drive with important information, money and some jewelry, without fear of water entering it when watering.

In the end, we give useful information on the topic. In the US district of Porter, while examining the book of Robert Stone, which was donated to the Public Library, an employee of the institution found an old pistol in it.