Today I want to tell you how to do it myself in home conditions universal switch ...
I suggest you watch first our video crafts:
[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = nRCujToVH3M]
It happens that you need to check whether the electric circuit is working or not, but the switch is not enough to check ... In this article I’ll just tell you how you can make a universal switch yourself and using improvised tools at home ... But, This switch can only be used with low-current power sources (batteries, small batteries, etc., this switch will not work for sockets) ...
We will work with electricity, so be careful and observe safety precautions when working with electricity ...
So, for our universal switch, we need:
- old lipstick container;
- two wires;
- dielectric (we will use a soft mat that does not allow electricity to pass through as dielectric);
- two metal studs with caps;
- batteries and light (for checking the circuit breaker) ...
So, first you need to clean, wash and dry the lipstick container well ...

Next, you need to cut a piece of the dielectric rug and carefully “hammer” a clove with a hat into it ... The mat should fit tightly into the container from under the lipstick ... We do the same with the second side of the container ...

After that, carefully attach the wires to the clove (and to one and the second) and pass them through the bottom of the container from under the lipstick ...

Next, put the lid of the container with the wiring, dielectric and stud on the bottom of the container with the wiring, dielectric and stud ...

That's all!!! The switch is ready ... Now we take the batteries and the bulb and connect two wires to the circuit and check ...

Works!!! Now I will explain the principle of operation:
when you connect the wiring to the circuit and twist the bottom of the container, two insulators with metal studs are located inside the container, and when you turn one part of the container, then two studs join each other, the circuit closes and the light turns on ...
Good luck ...