Today I want to tell you about how you can make a bird feeder myself ...
To begin, I bring to your attention a video of this crafts:
[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = cMKgn74C1fM]
There are many ways to make bird feeders ... In this article I want to tell you and show the manufacture of one of the most human-friendly and bird-friendly feeders ...
So, let's begin...
For our feeder we need only two plastic bottles: one multi-liter and the other small - half-liter ...
So, in a multi-liter bottle we mark with a felt-tip pen, and then we make holes as shown in the photo ... We cut holes only from the bottom so that the structure closes ...

Next, take a half-liter bottle and cut it “obliquely” as shown in the photo ... Next, we make such a window for the birds ...

The upper cropped part of a half-liter bottle can be used as a feed scoop, but the lower cropped part of a half-liter bottle is carefully pushed into the hole that we previously made in a multi-liter bottle ...

In the lower part of the bottle we "drive" a hook on which it will be possible to hang lard for birds ...

That's all!!! Pour the bird food through the neck in a multi-liter bottle ... The food falls to the bottom of the bottle and the bird wants to eat, through a half-liter bottle falls into the multi-liter bottle and eats the food ... And at the bottom of the bottle on the hook is the fat that another bird eats ... The good thing about this feeder is that you can feed many birds at the same time (by making 4, not 1 hole in a multi-liter bottle) and that this feeder is not afraid of rainfall in the form of snow, wind and rain ...
Good luck !!!