Today I want to tell you about how you can make a paraffin candle yourself ...
To begin, I suggest you watch this video homemade:
[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = TuiZpJ9awhU]
Many had this situation (most often after the New Year) when you light candles, they burn out and small parts of paraffin remain (“candle scrap”) ... You can just throw it away, or you can make a new candle yourself, which will not differ from purchased ... That's what I want to tell about in this article ...
So, let's begin...
For our crafts we will need:
- mold for candles;
- fragments of candles, that is, "candle scrap";
- a needle with a thread;
- two buttons ...

So, first we pass the thread through the holes in the button and tie the threads ... The diameter of the button should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the candle mold ... This is done so that the button fits easily into the shape ...

After that, lower the button to the bottom of our form, and leave the thread on top ...

Now we melt the fragments of candles on the fire and gently fill our mold with a button and a thread of molten paraffin ...

After that, we take another button with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the mold itself (so that the button could not fall into the mold) and pull out the thread through the holes in the button ... Fix the thread in one position with a match ...

We put the mold with the contents in a cold place and wait for the paraffin to solidify completely ...
After the candle has become solid and the paraffin has completely hardened, carefully remove the first button and pull the candle out of the mold ...

Now gently cut off the excess thread and remove the lower button ...

That's all!!! Our candle is ready !!! It is solid, the shape is the same as from the store, the wick is neat and is located in the center of the candle ... In general, the candle is like new !!! We set fire and enjoy !!! Good luck !!!