Today I want to tell you about how you can make a clamp for scotch tape yourself ...
To start, I suggest you watch the current video homemade:
[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = YXs5MYmzh2c]
In this article I want to tell you about how you can home devices at home to make a clamp for adhesive tape that will help you not to find the place where the adhesive tape ruptured, but to immediately see this place and start using adhesive tape ... Moreover, in this article I will share with you a "recipe" for manufacturing a clamp for both wide adhesive tape and ordinary a small roll of scotch tape ...
For crafts we will need:
- can;
- scissors for metal;
- wine or champagne cork cork ...
So, let's start with the lock for a little scotch tape ... To do this, gently cut the lid from the can and with the help of scissors for metal we cut 5-6 cloves ...

Next, we cut the cloves in this way as shown in the photo ...

We cut off the sharp part of our billet about which we can cut ourselves and bend this part ...

Next, with the help of glue, we attach a cork stopper to the tin lid and put tape on the cork ...

Now when you need to use scotch tape you can easily cut the scotch tape on the sharp cloves of a can and in the future you will not have to look for a place to rupture the scotch tape ...

Now I’ll tell you about how you can make a clamp for a wide adhesive tape ... This is much simpler than a clamp for a regular adhesive tape ...
First, cut a strip 1.5 - 2 cm wide from the can, and also make 5-6 cloves ...

The denticles made by us need to be bent at an angle of about 20 degrees ...

Now we take a wide tape and bend the cut strip around the tape as shown in the photo ... The strip should freely "move" over the entire surface of the roll of wide tape ...

That's all!!! Now when you need a wide adhesive tape, stick it against the cloves with the sticky side, thus cutting off the desired length of the adhesive tape, and the adhesive tape will remain on the cloves (you will not have to look for a place for the adhesive tape to be cut later) ...
Good luck !!!