Today I want to tell you about how you can make a “bandage” yourself for the safe carrying of glass jars ...
To start, I suggest you watch the current video homemade:
[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = J84jEhPD078]
Many had a situation when you need to transfer or translate a lot of glass jars and you need to do this carefully so as not to break the jars ...
Today I just want to tell you about how I myself can home conditions and from improvised materials to make a "bandage" or "protection" for cans ...
To make our homemade product, we need an old unnecessary camera (car) ...
We circle the camera with a felt-tip pen, as shown in the photo and cut it out along the drawn lines ...

You need to cut out the camera and make “protection” strictly according to the size of our glass jar, for which this “protection” is intended ... This “bandage” should be tightly located over the entire surface of the jar and should not “peel” from the jar itself ... Gently put it on the jar ...

We get such "protective rubber" equipment for glass jars ...

This "equipment" for ease of use is made with a handle with which you can easily carry cans ...

So, today I shared with you the process of manufacturing "protective equipment" for glass jars, which will help us transfer or transfer cans safely, and are not afraid that the banks will break ...
Good luck !!!