To start, I suggest you watch our video crafts:
[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = Ff1ONmPbp5I]
As we all know: light is a rectilinear directional quantity, so we will direct the flashlight to one place and the light will fall and illuminate exclusively the place where you directed it. Light cannot fall around the corner. And there are situations when you need to direct the light stream not in a straight line, but in an inaccessible place, and just in this article I want to share with you the "recipe" for making a "directional" flashlight, that is, a flashlight that can "look" around the corner in the literal sense of this expression!
Maybe you saw, or you used to know, such a toy-lamp, which was called a "light guide", was quite popular. This toy lamp failed and then it was a pity to throw it away, but nobody knew what to do with it further, and it turned out that this thing was just lying around at home. The principle of this toy was this: you clicked on the light switch (the light was of different colors), the light fell on these “light guides” and you got such a beautiful phenomenon:

Carefully remove the "fibers" and align them with each other. We take the electrical tape and carefully rewind the “optical fibers” as shown in the photo:

It turns out here is such a design. The disadvantage is that when bent, it leans back. To fix this problem, take a piece of copper wire, apply it to our rewound "optical fibers" and also rewind everything with electrical tape:

That's all! Now you can bend the “fibers” as you want and thanks to the wire the structure will not align:

Now you need to make an adapter from the "optical fibers" to the flashlight. To do this, we make a hole in the cap from under the tube (the hole must match the diameter with the diameter of the "optical fibers"), and the diameter of the cap must match the diameter of the flashlight.
Next, carefully put the “fibers” on the lid, and the lid on the flashlight, as shown in the photo:

Turn on the flashlight and see that the light is on. You can bend the "fibers" as you want, but the light will remain on !!! So we “broke” the laws of physics.

Now you can use this flashlight to "look around the corner."