[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = uhsS-nh5gO4]
Today we will talk about colors, more specifically, about high colors. Long (tall) flowers, standing in a pot to the top, "decay" and increase their volume in space. If this problem bothers you and you want the flowers to "stand" in the same plane with the pot, then this article is for you.
For this homemade we will need just a plastic bottle of 1.5 - 2 liters. volume.
From the bottle you need to cut several such strips of different widths:

The number of strips depends on the height of your flower (the higher the flower, the more strips should be).
Next, each of the strips should be folded in half lengthwise as shown in the photo:

After we folded the strip in two lengthwise, we need to fold in the same way (also twice in length) again:

As a result, we get such a triangular profile from four plastic bands folded into four.

Now you need to cut another strip out of the plastic bottle, just leave a small part of the neck:

In this throat part we make small cuts with scissors (on one side above and on the other below) - we make such a “fringe”.

Now we start assembling our design. It was not in vain that at the beginning of the article I said to cut out strips of different widths: this is done so that our triangular profiles fit tightly into each other, which we are actually doing now:

After that, our neck part is also carefully inserted into the profiles already inserted into each other.
Now in the flower pot next to the stem we insert into the profile ground and with the throat part above we “hug” the flower. To fix our "hugs" will help us to do the "fringe". Just insert the cut into the cut!

That's all! Our flower stand is ready! Now you can align the flower with our fixtures! Good luck