[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = O0mqmB5yfv0]
Probably almost all people at home have hangers on which they broadcast things. It is very convenient, things then take up little space in the closet and do not require another ironing. But it happens that these hangers break down or simply fail and can no longer fulfill their direct purpose. Of course, hangers can be mastered, bought new ones or made from scratch yourself.
For homemade we will need a slightly curved stick (you can easily find it on the street), a small piece of insulation (it can be purchased in the store or often these pieces remain after repair in the apartment), a small piece of wire (copper or aluminum is suitable) and an ordinary plastic bag.
So, first, carefully stick the stick into the insulation and cut off the excess pieces of the stick on both sides:

Next, using a ruler and a cutter, cut a piece of a plastic bag to the size of our stick. We put a bag on a stick with insulation.

The workpiece is ready! Now we take it all apart (it is very easy to do), take out the stick and in the center of the stick make a hole with a drill as shown in the photo:

Now we assemble our structure, look for the hole we made in the center of the stick and pass the wire through it.
We twist the wire at one end with pliers so that it does not pop out during operation:

From the other end of the wire we make a hook with which we can hang our things:

Well, that's all! Our homemade hanger is ready! We spent a little time on its manufacture and almost did not spend our money!