Good afternoon! Constantly, when my beloved girl and I are traveling somewhere on the train, we watch the movie on the laptop with almost no sound, since there are only two ears in the headphones and when the train is noisy, one can hear it poorly and illegibly through one ear. And I and she have headphones, and there is one headphone output on the laptop ...
I got a little tired of it and I decided to make a headphone splitter - a kind of adapter for two headphones) I saw only on the Internet. I could not find such an adapter in the market or in the store. Ordering via the Internet is also not an option, since the cost of delivery exceeds the cost of this miracle adapter.
I decided to make such a splitter myself (do it yourself)
To build it we need:
Two 3.5 inputs
One 3.5 plug
Hot glue
Soldering iron and soldering accessories
Small postings
Korda we will collect everything you need, then you can start assembling
As we see in the photo we have two 3.5 connectors from a broken laptop and a 3.5 plug (can be taken from old torn headphones)
Next, take the connectors and glue them with hot glue, well, or ordinary glue. I preferred hot melt glue since in the future the whole structure will be flooded with it. In general, glue as shown in the photo

Since I took the connectors from the computer, there were more than three pins on them, I had to ring which pin to which pin belongs, I marked with the colors the pins that we will use:
Blue - land (common)
Red - left channel
Green - right channel

Now that we have decided on the findings of the connectors, we can now combine them, as shown in the photo. And at the same time, we cut the wires on the plug so that they are the right length and not too long, and at the same time, so that it can be soldered to the connectors.
We clean the wires and tin them as shown in the photo
Now we fix the plug with hot-melt adhesive, solder the plug wiring to the parallel connectors
When everything is ready, insert the splitter into the phone, player, tablet, or laptop to check the performance, if everything works, then you can proceed to the final stage - fill the entire structure with hot-melt adhesive as shown in the photo
Thank you all and good luck)