We all know how our children love to play with sand. Many of them can sit in the sandbox for hours. Such a game causes them a number of emotions: surprise, joy, delight, excitement. Games with sand enable the child to develop, to be enriched emotionally.
Playing with sand is the main form of a baby’s natural activity. That is why experts advise using the sandbox for the development of motor skills, as well as for a variety of training sessions. Playing with the baby in the sandbox, you positively affect the emotional state of your child. This is a great tool for the self-development of the baby.
In order for your baby to enjoy this game all the time, we suggest that you independently create a “Light box for painting with sand” do it yourself. You can put such a Light table in your dacha or in your home.
For its manufacture you will need a number of materials:
• Wooden boards
• Plexiglass
• Plywood
• Nails
• Sand
Step 1

At the initial stage, we need to assemble a box from the prepared boards and plywood. The recommended depth of the box is about 7-10 cm. The box should be deep enough so that the sand does not scatter around the room, and at the same time, so that the baby is pleased to paint with sand.
Step 2

In addition to our box, it is necessary to nail the trims. So we get small pockets. In them, the child will be able to store a variety of equipment
Step 3

At the next stage of making a table for painting with sand, it is necessary to cut a hole in the center. This will be the “Light Window”. The window size is worth doing depending on your needs. But the recommended size for children is an A3-A2 window. That will be quite enough.
After that, you need to make the legs for our table. You can take 4 whetstones from solid wood and nail them on the sides. Such massive legs will make our structure heavier and during the game it will be stable and will not fall over.
Step 4

Now we should lay plexiglass at the bottom of our box. This will be our “light screen”. In order to add dullness, on top you need to lay a sheet of whatman paper.

Tape it around the entire perimeter with tape or electrical tape.
Step 5

To draw, you need to fill up the sand. You can type it in the sandbox or purchase it in hardware stores. Before filling sand, it is necessary to sift it. Ignite it in the oven, then you get real sterile sand for drawing.
By the way, instead of sand, you can use semolina or millet.

For beauty, you can use multi-colored pebbles. Your child will be delighted.

In the afternoon, you can use a table for making collages