[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = KllD1mHz83o]
Those who have gardens or fields encountered a problem when their plot in the pits is the work of moles! Such pits harm your garden, the fact that you planted in this garden, and indeed such a site has a not very beautiful appearance. There are many ways to combat these pests, but not all of these methods are effective and not all you can afford based on the price of them. Today I will tell you about how you can make yourself a scarer of moles and other pests of your site.
For our fixtures we will need beer or beverage can and metal pin:

To begin with, use a felt-tip pen to mark our jar as shown in the photo (that is, we draw the four letters "P", only one of the vertical lines should be slightly smaller than the other):

After that, using a clerical knife or scissors, gently cut the jar along the lines drawn by us. Follow safety precautions to avoid injury.

Next, you need to carefully bend the parts of the jar that we cut off as shown in the photo (we get something similar to a propeller):

Next, we take a metal pin and with the help of a hammer in the center of the bottom of the can “hammer it”, after placing the can on a hard surface, for example, a brick:

Remember that the pin we need to slightly hammer into the bottom of the can, but not to pierce it through and through. If you do everything right, then you will get such a dent here:

Now we turn the jar so that the pin is at the bottom, and the jar is on top and insert the pin into the ground.

That's all! Mole repeller is ready! Now when the wind blows, thanks to the “blades” made by us, the can will rotate on the pin, transmitting vibration through the pin to the ground. Moles thus hearing the vibration will go away from this place.