If you think a little, then from the simplest and most ordinary materials that are often at hand, you can do great things with your own hands.
One such example is a wooden house made of paper.
But as for the ideas that arise to create such a miracle, it appears for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, inspiration just comes and it's not bad at all.
For this we need
• Cocktail tubes
• A4 paper
• Multi-colored cardboard
• glue
• Scissors
Step 1

The first thing to do is to take paper, preferably A4, without the presence of cells or rulers. The paper should be white. Next, you need to twist it into tubes.
Step 2

For more convenient work, the paper should be divided into several equal parts, and only then twisted. First, do it on the sides, and only then in the middle.
You will never calculate how many such tubes are needed in the exact amount. That is why, do them in the process. So it will be easier.
Step 3

As for the foundation, in order to build it, you need to pick up a fairly dense cardboard. Remember, the "life" of your house will depend on it. On the side parts you will need to glue paper tubes. Some need to be made shorter.
Step 4

After you complete the process of laying out the ducts in three rows, make a small note where the doors and windows will be. Remember, in order to make your house look more symmetrical, you need to arrange both windows and doors at the same height.

Step 5

For a vivid effect, in the middle of the windows you can make curtains of colored paper. By the way, in order for all the mounts to be more durable, you can use transparent tape. But all this, of course, at will.
Step 6

Next, do not forget about the roof. But initially, you need to build several pillars so that it does not collapse. The roof can be cut out of cardboard. Moreover, the shape of the slices can be very different. It all depends on your own imagination.

Glue the roof, preferably with a simple, colorless glue, so that it all looks more realistic.
Step 7

After you complete all the above steps, decorate the windows with the simplest self-adhesive. And just the same, arrange the doors. As for the stairs, they can be made from, or not. And if you still prefer a house with a staircase, then they can be built from the pipes that you made. If necessary, do more. It is advisable to glue the steps with "wooden" self-adhesive.

Step 8

And the final step will be the manufacture of railings. And also make of tubules, after pasting them in brown. And now, your house is finished. It remains only to decorate it. Here, you can dream up. For example, put a variety of figures, animals, a fence, or even a garden, as if it were a real village. In any case, it will turn out just great!