A mini-garden in a pot will become a luxurious decoration of your summer cottage. The mini-garden will turn out beautiful, it can be decorated with different elements - just connect your imagination!
We will need:
- deep wide pot;
- several types of plants;
- land, fertilizers;
- drainage;
- the blade of the gardener;
- decorative material.

The pot must be taken necessarily large. By the way, at first we will plant small plants, but they will grow, so consider this when creating decor. And plants should be taken with the same soil requirements. If you already have everything you need, then go straight to the point.
Step 1

So, carefully pour a drainage on the bottom of the pot with a layer of about 2 cm.
Step 2

Then sprinkle the earth, tamp it a little.
Step 3

You can add fertilizer for loosening the soil (of course, it is best to take vermiculite). Although this is an optional item.
Step 4

Now start planting plants according to your plan (it must be thought out in advance).
Step 5

Do not damage the roots!
Step 6

Plant a second plant. To do this, get it out of the pot directly with the ground and plant it with it.
Step 7

Plant the third plant on the side, in the center, dig a small hole.
Step 8

Put blue glass pebbles in the dug hole - this beauty will resemble a mini-pond. If necessary, add more land for the plants.
Step 9

Continue decorating the mini garden. In our garden you can set whatever you like! Do not be afraid to create!
Step 10

Put small decorative pebbles on the ground. Usually they are sold to decorate aquariums.
Step 11

Pebbles need to fill up the whole earth.
Step 12

Here's a mini garden. Everything is simple and very beautiful!
Step 13

By the way, here are a few more varieties of the garden for you to note. You can experiment and not stop - decorating your mini-gardens country plot and more!
It remains only to wish you successful homemade!