And then the master comes from service repair of washing machines and after the diagnosis tells you the news - electronic the board ordered a long life. There is no sadder story in the world, it is expensive to change it, and the car has been living with you for a long time. There is no point in the repair. Returning to the Stone Age, when clothes were washed in the nearest puddle, did not smile at all. Need to buy a new washing machine. I would like to decide as soon as possible: the advertisement does not let us forget colorful pictures with working washing machines and satisfied housewives relaxing on the sofa during washing. Dirty clothes accumulate in the laundry basket. Life passes by. What to look for when choosing? There are so many different models and famous manufacturers.
If you have a built-in washing machine, the choice is limited - the size of the opening must match the size of the washing machine. In addition, in this case, the load of laundry and the control panel should be on the front wall of the machine, since a countertop is usually located on top. Be sure to find out how and how well the washing machine is protected against leakage. The machine is often hidden by panels, or closed on both sides by the kitchen the furniture, it is not always possible to immediately determine that a leak has occurred. We recommend using models equipped with special systems, such as the AquaStop leakage system from Bosch, which closes the valves instantly and stops the flow of water in the event of a malfunction. If you want to use a clothes dryer, you can choose a suitable washer-dryer. It is also worth thinking about the problem of voltage drop - in the kitchen this is especially true. Samsung's range of models uses a dedicated Volt Control system to prevent damage and save you from Samsung washing machine repair for this reason.
If the car is separate, and there is space around it, there are many options, and here you can not deny yourself anything (if you have the means, of course).
There are compact and narrow models for small-sized apartments, many manufacturers have the opportunity to order a washing machine of your preferred color, there are models that have a height adjustment and so on. The list of functions of many manufacturers is quite large, you can get lost in the variety of options, we recommend that you choose a washing machine with the functions that you really often use, so as not to overpay for what you really do not need.To make the right choice, it is worth considering the features of your wardrobe, your habits and whether the washing machine often works at a time when there is no supervision.