[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = IMXi3gZALrM]
Often, when you wash the head of a small child, he begins to cry. This happens due to the fact that when you wash your child’s head, shampoo flows down your face and gets into your eyes. It causes irritation, pain and eyes bake. To get rid of this problem, you need to make a homemade visor that will help you wash your child’s head without tantrums, and the child will ease the “suffering” from washing your hair.
We will need ordinary plastic bottle. From it you need to cut out just such a strip in the form of a crescent.

The strip cut out by us should fit the size of your child’s head. Therefore, check everything in advance.

Now you need to cut a piece of paralon slightly smaller than the size of the strip we cut from the bottle:

In the paralon, we make a small slot across the surface with the help of a clerical knife, as shown in the photo.

Next, carefully insert a strip of the bottle into this slot so that approximately 2-3 cm of the strip remains at the edges. We achieved this by cutting out paralon slightly less than the length of the strip.

Next, we need an ordinary gum. We put it on these "ears" - that is, the edges of the plastic bottle and gently bend the "ears" as shown in the photo

To better fix the "ears" with an elastic band, you need to sew up the threads.
That's all! Is our device done. Now we put it on the child’s head.

Next, wash my head:

After we washed our hair, carefully remove the visor and check the child’s forehead and eyes. As you can see - they are absolutely dry, not a drop of shampoo leaked under the peak.