[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = RTgAZOm3A2c]
When you make repairs, there are always situations when you need to polish any surface. If this surface is flat, then the polishing process is quite easy, but if this surface is round, and even worse if it is on the wall and it is very difficult to "climb" to it, and you need to polish the surface from all sides, then this already causes some trouble. And if you still manage to "climb" to a hard-to-reach surface, then polishing mechanically is quite difficult and time consuming.

Having analyzed this problem, I decided to tell you about how you can make a home-made grinding device yourself.
For homemade we will need old unnecessary felt insole for shoes. From it you need to cut a piece that will ideally fit to a surface that requires polishing:

After this, take insulating tape or tape and wrap a felt piece of the insole around the surface that you want to polish:

Next, you need to take an ordinary drill and put a round nozzle on it (or simply put the wheel from the stroller), as shown in the photo.

Now with this wheel we press the blank from the felt insole wrapped with tape and turn on the drill:

As you can see, turning the wheel makes the felt insole rotate at high speed, thereby polishing the round surface equally and uniformly from all sides!

So that's the way we did do it yourself a device that helps us polish round surfaces evenly, quickly and almost without applying mechanical force!