If you like to work at your dacha with plants, then try to create a beautiful vertical garden. Even if you already have gardens in the garden and huge flower beds, why deny yourself the pleasure of an additional beautiful plot that some people even put in their homes!
Here you will need to work with wood (the frame must be made of something). Plants are better to pick up not very large, but it is better to abandon the weaving ones altogether, because a vertical garden is a decorative thing. Succulents are better (these are special small plants.
We will need:
- wooden board 50x90 centimeters;
- geotextiles (fabric for the landscape);
- nails, hammer, sandpaper;
- furniture stapler;
- soil with organic matter, perlite and peat;
- different plants to choose from.
Step 1

Take high-quality earth and a wooden frame (you can buy it or make it yourself.
Step 2

Fold the geotextiles in three layers and pull this fabric onto the wooden frame, carefully nailing it with a stapler: there should be no cracks and holes, otherwise the earth will spill out.
Step 3

Close the sides of the frame completely! Do not neglect this, this is a prerequisite when creating a vertical garden.
Step 4

Staples are often beaten, but the fabric does not need to be pulled very hard. The side that will be at the very top, leave with a fabric not at all stretched.
Step 5

This is what a vertical garden without plants and land will look like.
Step 6

Put the wood frame in a horizontal position, cover the ground. It is better to let the earth lie down a bit so that it is rammed.
Step 7

Plant flowers in the gaps between the boards of the frame.
Step 8

Press the flowers inward a little while planting them!
Step 9

It looks very nice when the flowers are planted different, and not the same. After planting, be sure to water the plants.
Step 10

After a week, the plants take root, it will be possible to put the frame in the place you need.
Step 11

Here is the result. Spray plants from time to time, and sometimes you need to lower the frame to a horizontal position to water the plants.

Continue to create and create unique crafts as for his cottagesso for home!