Watch the video of the homemade opener:
[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = 2kwQyo3SwQw]
There are situations when you bought a jar with a screw cap, but you can’t open it. And you are wasting your energy and nerves to open the can at least in some way. Our device will look and be used according to the principle of leverage.
For the opener, we need the following components:
- two wooden planks (old skirting boards fit just perfectly) about 20-25 cm each);
- elastic;
- bolt with nut;
- for making drill holes with a drill with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the bolt.
So, first you need to make through holes on the edges of the wooden planks with a drill (the diameter of the drill should be slightly larger than the diameter of the bolt so that the bolt eventually "hangs in the hole".

Next, sandpaper must be glued to the surface of the wooden planks in such a way that, as a result, the side of the plank with sandpaper is inside the structure.

After that, you need to put a bolt into the holes of both slats and fix it with a nut (remember that sandpaper should “look at each other” - that is, be inside the structure):

The two other edges of the wooden planks need to be fixed together with an elastic band:

The fixture is ready! Now I’ll tell you how to use it - we take a jar with a screw cap and unscrewing or tightening the nut on the bolt, we select the size of the device for the size of the jar cover:

Next, gently with a flick of the hand from the bottom of the structure, turn the trims along the thread. The bank opens without problems.

Due to the fact that we glued sandpaper on the inner surfaces of both wooden planks, the lid is taken “tightly” and does not slip.