So, for starters, you need to understand and understand what exactly is killswitch. Everything is very simple. This is such a special button that completely mutes the sound at the right time for you. Is it really convenient ?!
Also, due to the presented button, you can get very interesting and unusual effects. For example, to make the sound a little choppy, or vice versa, to implement the effect of “fake staccato”, in other words, the game takes place exclusively with the left hand. And in order not to torment your fingers, you can simply press this button. Or even elementary, you can try playing Bacazet Jordan.
This article is devoted to how to install killswitch, and as to how to use it, it is up to you to decide.
In order to build such device, you will need:
• A lot of patience
• your hands
• Soldering iron of a tolerable type
• Tin
• Rosin
In principle, not many tools are needed to do all this. You probably noticed that in the first place, you will need patience ?! It really is. The work is not so simple, therefore, the nerves should be "steel".
Step 1

It is not recommended to immediately make a hole in the tool or to disassemble and solder all this. It is enough to mount the button on the wire that is broken. This will help with the greatest ease to transfer the button to the very inside of the stick. To do this, take the button and tear the wire. All sound will completely disappear (far from it). So thinking, those who, by and large, understand absolutely nothing in electrical circuits.
Step 2
Pay attention to the wire belonging to the guitar in the section. The winding from the outside - the cable is the same veins of the earth. As for the winding of the internal type, this is the vein of the so-called “hot” wire. Here, the signal itself is implemented.
Remember that both veins, having red and green colors, in which place, absolutely nowhere have intersections until the device is connected to electricity. It is interesting, but the instrument makes sounds only in those cases when the wire itself is already stuck, and from all sides, and the chain has a closed position.
Step 3

Put a button that will simply open the segment. These buttons are commonly called push-offs. A certain effect should be obtained such that the wire is suddenly pulled out.

Step 4

Now, grab the push-on button. She has no fixes! Now, it must be placed so that it is located in the path of the wire.Thus, it should turn out so that this button closes several wires inside the cable. You will achieve perfect silence.
Step 5

Now, in front of the button, it is necessary to carry out the soldering process of the toggle switch, which is a switch. This must be done sequentially. He will turn off the button at the right time.

For great effects, you can also create sounds of screaming during the game, only due to the presented button. To achieve this sound, use the push-off button. It is she who is always in a closed position.
That's all, everything is quite simple and easy. Try, do and you, everything will surely work out.