Colds come and morning departure to car, especially if it’s domestic, turns into a big problem. A cold engine is not always possible to start successfully.
I present to you a device that at times will facilitate the morning start-up of a frozen engine.
Autonomous antifreeze heater, which is powered by the on-board network of the car.
To work, we need:
1) Glow plugs from any car
2) Tin 1-1.5 mm thick
3) Welding or blowtorch
4) Wires
5) Switches
6) 10 A fuses
7) A pair of tubes (preferably for the size of the cooling pipes)
And so, in a store or at a showdown, we buy three glow plugs, in a hardware store we select nuts for the threads on candles

We take a tin and scissors for metal cut a rectangular plate. It will need to be bent into a small cylinder. We select the plate length so that the cylinder is more compact. We cut two round ends, in one of them we make three holes and weld nuts to these holes. We weld the nuts as close to each other as possible, so there will be more effect. All well scalded or soldered, that’s what should result in the end.

Pipes should be welded one from the bottom, the other from above, on opposite sides.
To achieve maximum effect, it is desirable to insulate our heating.

To connect the heater, two small automatic machines were taken, they will also play the role of fuses in the event of a short circuit.

Candles are best not all connected at once, but on one switch we connect two candles and one on the second. When the frosts are not very strong, it makes no sense to include all three candles, you can get by with two. Well, if it freezes very hard, then we connect the third one.

Wires need to be taken thicker and preferably stranded.

Also, for more productive work, you need to put an additional pump. The Gazelle pump, the one that stands on the interior heating stove, is very suitable. This pump is electric.
Next, just connect our heating to the cooling system, so that the antifreeze would circulate in a small circle. We bring the switches to any place convenient for you, we connect the wires to the battery.
When heating the antifreeze in the morning, it is not necessary to drive the heater for a long time, 10-15 minutes will be enough for the antifreeze to warm up a bit, this is enough to start the engine. When the engine starts, do not turn off the heating, with it the engine will warm up noticeably faster.