Probably, it’s worth at least once to go to the sea and catch seafood with your own hands, rather than buying all this for a lot of money. Firstly, it is economical, and secondly, it will bring you a lot of positive emotions.
In any case, a trip to the sea will bring only health benefits for your health. Today, the market is simply full of all kinds of accessories that are designed for fishing. But the question is, are these attributes good? Of course, it’s better to make everything yourself than to buy Chinese goods, is not it ?!
But in order to make a trap for shrimp fishing yourself, you will need:
• A special mesh made of kapron, and the cell should be at least one and a half meters, the width also should not exceed, but not less than 1.5 meters.
• Galvanized wire, hard, about four meters
• Very thin wire, braided in plastic, 61 centimeters
• A thread from kapron, or you can take a twine, 5 meters
• The most common float
• Simple rope of medium length
Step 1 Take a piece of mesh from kapron, and begin to sew its edges so that in the end, you get a pipe.

Step 2

Now, you need to take a piece of mesh, size 16 by 31 and sew in the same way, in the form of a pipe. This will serve as a kind of entrance to the trap.
Step 3

Now, sew the “entrance” to the large “pipe”. This must be done using braided wire. Further, the edges of the wire must be twisted together and fixed with conventional heat shrink.
Step 4

Take the galvanized wire and then you need to fix the first and last ring. Namely, the edges. Get a fairly even circle. By the way, such a wire is sold in rolls.
Step 5 It's time to pull a shirt made of mesh onto a metal structure. After that, you need to carefully sew the smaller pipe, while stretching it inside the mesh to the other edge of the wider pipe.
Step 6 Further, it is imperative to sew the edges of the pipe to the very edges of the wire rings due to twine.
Step 7

In the center, between the resulting rings, tie the rope. The bait will be located on it.
Step 8

Now, snap the float in the center of your trap. That's all. As it turned out, there is nothing complicated. Everything is very simple. The main thing is to be patient and, of course, desire.
By the way, if desired, the float can be painted in the color you want. Here, fantasy has no limits.
If it so happens that in the place where you were going to catch shrimp, there is a strong current, attach another anchor to the base of the chain so that the net, together with the prey, does not carry away.

An alternative to an anchor can be a simple bag full of sand, or ordinary stones, but not sharp. Great to you homemade.