[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = fwI9navUQjE]
When there is nothing to take time, you can play. But there are situations when there are no games at hand. I will tell you about how you can make the game itself, called basketball. The goal of the game is to get a crumpled piece of paper into the basketball hoop. You can play in an unlimited circle of friends. The game is quite primitive at first glance, but when you start playing it, it’s quite interesting, positive and even gambling.
For a homemade game you will need the following:
- a small piece of cardboard (approximately 20 by 15 cm);
- felt-tip pen (for marking cardboard);
- a cap from under a plastic bottle (for one participant - one cap);
- a ruler (also for one participant - one piece);
- a wooden beam (triangular with a slope ... For each participant, one);
- self-tapping screws (for attaching the ruler to the beam);
- a wooden stand, consisting of a wooden platform measuring approximately 30 by 30 cm and a picket fence or wooden stick attached to it (determine the height of the basketball board yourself at your discretion).
To begin with, use a felt-tip pen to mark a piece of cardboard so that it looks like a real basketball backboard

Next, cut off the neck of the plastic bottle and leave just such a small strip:

We make a small slot in the cardboard box under this strip and carefully thread the strip through the slot in the cardboard:

After that we take the shelf (or we make it ourselves) and with the help of the button we attach the strip threaded through the cardboard to the wooden shelf

The shield is ready! Now need to do fixtures for the cast itself.
For this, a triangular-shaped wooden beam is useful. We attach a ruler to it with a self-tapping screw:

Next, at the end of the line, attach the cap from under the plastic bottle:

We got a device resembling a catapult.
Now we take a piece of paper, crumple it, put it in the cap and gently launch, trying to get into the ring (that is, in the neck of a cut bottle).