In the summer, meat is often cooked outdoors. This is a fairly popular way. Cooking meat in small pieces using skewers does not require much effort - it is enough to build a small hill above the ground. And if you decide to cook a whole bird, for example, a chicken or a turkey? In order for it to be completely ready, a slightly different structure is needed.
Necessary materials
1. Cinder block - 25 pieces
2. Covers for cinder block -15 pieces
3. Iron reinforcement - from 6 to 8 pieces
4. Sand or gravel - 2-3 m³
5. Half concrete blocks (8x8x8) - 4 pieces
6. Patio stones (optional - 12x12) - 22 pieces
7. Kapron rope - 1 coil
8. Metal pipe (4x15) - 2 pieces
9. Food barrel
10. Iron corner (20x1.8) - 1 pieces
11. Wooden club - 1 piece
12. Bolts - 4 pieces
13. The rod - 2 pieces
14. Heat-resistant black paint - 1 pc.
15. Steel pipe 2 pieces.
Necessary tools
1. Shovel
2. Gloves
3. The hammer
4. Long level
5. Short level
6. Safety glasses
7. Roulette
8. Ax
9. Marker
10. Manual grinding machine
11. Metal cutting discs
12. Welding mask
13. Metal mesh.

Step by Step Description
1. It is necessary to choose a place for barbecue very seriously. It should be sufficiently far from the trees. When you dig a hole, you should carefully inspect the territory so that there are no tree roots, since subsequently this can cause a fire.

2. The cinder block is quite heavy, so the foundation must be strong. After the pit is dug, it is necessary to lay the patio stones around the perimeter in order to evenly distribute the load and the structure will not slip further. To hold the soil you need to pull a tight metal mesh. Cover the bottom of the pit with sand or gravel for fire safety.

3. Now you can begin to tightly stack the blocks. At the same time, there should be holes on each side for better traction. On the top of the stone patio, you must put 3 rows of cinder block. At the third end of the row, a half cinder block is used so that there are small holes on both sides. Starting from the second row of masonry in front of the barbecue, you need to leave a window to access the cooked meat. The support should be slightly higher, but not in contact with the second row of blocks. The depth of the pit was 25 cm. In the upper part of the third row of the cinder block, small holes should be drilled from four sides.

4. Directly for supports, 2.4 m of steel pipe is necessary, having previously made several holes in them in order to be able to adjust the height. The pipe must be tightly driven into the ground so that the height is approximately 20 cm below the height of the second row of cinder block (depending on the size of the iron corner).
Iron corners should be welded to the pipes, and on them - “V” -shaped brackets (three for each corner) in order to rotate the pipes on which the meat will be cooked. The length of the corner should correspond to the width of the barbecue.
5. For the hinged lid you will need a food barrel.

It needs to be cut in half vertically. Put two parts of the barrel with the hole down, one on top of the other. From the corners, you should weld a square around the perimeter of the parts of the barrel and, using welding, connect the two parts into one. Get a lid. As a handle you will need a wooden old club, which with bolts to fasten to the resulting cover.

On both sides (in the far corners), weld two rods with washers at the ends, onto which to screw a piece of a corner or pipe. This is necessary so that you can easily open the lid.
6. In order to prevent steel from rusting, all external sides were painted with black refractory paint. The barbecue is ready.

The uniqueness of this structure lies in the fact that cement slurry is not used during the laying of the cinder block. This is very convenient, since if some cinder block deteriorates, it can be easily replaced.