In the summer, it is very much in demand for cooking meat, fish and other things on the grill. Such food has a peculiar taste, smell and color. I would like to talk about a very simple and cheap way to make a grill.
Necessary materials
• Deep stainless steel bowl (2 pieces)
• Metal grill (2 pieces)
• Drill (or nail with a hammer)
• Coil with wire
• Scissors for metal
• Marker
• metal handle
• Bolts (2 pieces)
• Emery stone

You should take a coil with a wire whose diameter corresponds to the diameter of the middle of a stainless steel bowl. Then draw a circle with a marker and cut it with scissors for metal.

The grid in the form of a circle should freely fall into the bowl almost to the bottom.

It is necessary to make a marker several marks in a bowl where the rods touch it. This is necessary in order to fix the grate, and it is always
was in a level position.

Drill holes at the designated points with a drill or use a nail and a hammer to punch them.
Erase all sharp parts from the outside with an emery stone so that no one can get hurt.

It is necessary to make additional holes in the bottom of the bowl also with a drill.

Then gently bend the edges of the holes inward.
The second bowl needs to be turned upside down and a marker to mark the place for the bolts.

Drill holes with a drill and fasten the handle with bolts.
A circle corresponding to the diameter of the surface of the bowl should be cut from the second wire rack. The wire rack should lie well in the bowl and not fall inward.

Then the grill stand is made. To do this, you need to bend four cut rods and as a result you get four legs.

Put firewood on the lower grate and you can start cooking delicious meat. Bon Appetit!