What could be more interesting and the original multifaceted lamp, which will be done with your own hands ?! The lamp itself is an indispensable attribute in every home, but after all, it should be something else different, isn't it ?!
The idea of inspiration, in order to build such beauty, can appear in a variety of ways. The main desire.
So, in order to take directly to work, you will need:
• PVA glue
• Corrugated cardboard
• Scissors
• Cutter
• Simple pencil
• Ruler
• Normal light bulb

Once you have purchased everything you need to make a multifaceted lamp, you can proceed directly to the work itself

From cardboard, you need to start cutting strips of the thickness that you want. But first make sketches with a pencil and a ruler to get fairly even stripes.
There should be a lot of strips so that it is enough for the lamp frame itself

Now, you can start sticking. This must be done very carefully so as not to get dirty with glue. Take one strip and create at the expense of them a square, gluing one after another. You can create a lamp shape yourself. Squares can be fastened together in different ways.
It is important to remember that one layer should be smaller than the other.
So, you should get both the frame itself and the walls of your lamp.

After the frame is assembled. We need to make a stable base of the lamp and pass light into our lamp.
To make the base of the lamp, you need to prepare 3-4 squares. To do this, cut the required number of strips and glue them together.

The resulting squares are also worth gluing all together - this will be the base of the lamp

After that, it’s worth the light. We will conduct in the base of the lamp.
To do this, you need to take a cartridge and circle its outline on the bar, which, in fact, will keep it.

Cut a hole along the marked lines

It is necessary to glue the holder of the cartridge into the lamp.

That's all, the lamp is almost ready.Gluing a light bulb inside the frame is not necessary at all, since it will already hold rather tightly. The frame of the lamp can be painted in the color that suits your interior.

Now, you can safely turn on your lamp. Beauty is just unreal! Give it a try. Such a lamp will please not only you, but also your guests.