Normal motorcycle painting has a number of features, however, this applies to painting any surfaces. For example, if you want to create an image on the surface, the process will become more complicated. Indeed, for such manipulations will require artistic skills, although to paint motorcycle it is possible without them. Here you will need only the necessary materials. With which ones - read below.
We will need:
- motorcycle fuel tank;
- paint of several colors;
- paint remover;
- lace, varnish, electrical tape, primer;
- emery fine-grained paper.
Step 1

First completely remove the old cover from your motorcycle gas tank. The author used a special paint remover for this. Be sure to work with such a tool in protective gloves!
Step 2
If you have a gas tank with an imperfect surface, then at the same stage, eliminate all irregularities, level the surface of the tank.
Step 3

Now the author covers the gas tank with a primer, he puts it in two layers. After that, wait until the primer dries, then treat the surface with fine-grained sandpaper. As a result, the surface of the tank will turn out to be pretty smooth.
Step 4
The gas tank must be painted beautifully, so it must be divided into zones using tape or ordinary masking tape - in general, what will be at your fingertips at the moment.
Step 5

Paint the side parts in black, wait for the paint to dry. Then paint the upper part with silver paint. Of course, you can choose a different color of paint and paint the tank in any order, it is not necessary to strictly follow the advice of the author at this point. Now the base coat of paint should dry completely, leave the gas tank for at least a few hours.
Step 6

Now add texture to the layers. For this, pull the motorcycle tank with a piece of lace, tighten it tightly, otherwise the fabric will slip. Fasten the ends of the lace fabric with sewing pins or tape. Paint the tank with zones above, only paint in a mirror image.
After painting, carefully remove the lace and do not touch the gas tank until the paint has dried!
Step 7
That's almost all, the airbrush of the motorcycle tank is almost over. To fix a beautiful result, varnish the tank.
With such a gas tank, your motorcycle will definitely stand out on the streets of the city!