We bring to your attention a lesson on creating a stone brazier in the form of a well that will decorate your cottage, making your picnics even more convenient! Such a barbecue is made in one day - no more. About fifteen thousand rubles are spent on the financial costs of its manufacture.
We will need:
- 98 retaining wall blocks (each must be 10 cm high, 30 wide, 20 deep);
- metal grill;
- a steel ring suitable for the size of the well;
- gravel and sand.

Step 1
The brazier itself in the form of a well is built from wall blocks; flagstone or similar building material is perfect for this purpose. If the stones were in the water for any reason, then it is better not to use such stones for the construction of a country brazier.

Make a 60 cm deep in the center of the well, fill it with gravel. The author used the dry masonry method - this is much more convenient. But if you want to add more cement, it is better to lubricate the well only from the outside, otherwise the solution will crack due to strong heating.
Prepare 20 liters of water in advance, as well as a convenient bucket nearby - you should always be ready for the fire!
Step 2

In this case, the diameter of the well turned out to be about 2 meters, the pit itself was dug by the author with a diameter of 2.6 meters and a depth of 30 centimeters. Fill the pit with even layers of gravel - 10 cm layer, as well as sand (the same number of centimeters). Lay the first level of stones - you get the foundation. Pour gravel from the outside of the barbecue well.
Step 3

Now lay out the second level. Place a steel ring in the middle - the future roasting pan will be located on it.
Step 4

Next, you need to clean the structure from debris. Place an extra layer - do not forget to leave spaces between the stones so that the fire has access to the air. When laying is complete, pour gravel into the well pit.
Step 5
At the top of the well, install a steel grate, add the last level of stones. A total of seven layers, each with fourteen wall blocks. But you can experiment, for example, to remove one layer - maybe the fire will burn better, although the brazier well turned out well!

Now at your cottage it will be even easier to cook aromatic kebabs, sausages or bake potatoes!