Create a tool to home It’s quite simple to solder the boards independently. For this purpose, you will need a container with liquid solder, in which the contacts of the boards will heat up. This method is very interesting and it will bring you many benefits. And everything is done very simply.
Main tool - can with a wide neck. To be more precise, you will need the lower part of the can, approximately 1-2 cm high. Therefore, it is at this distance that it is worth cutting it off.

In order for the design to function, you need to get a nichrome wire. The power in the created device will be 100 watts.
The photo shows such a wire, the pitch of the turn is 3 mm, it uses ceramic insulation.

Make a hole in the center of the bottom of the can in order to fix the board with a screw and nut.

Install the insulated wire on the jar as shown in the photo.

For the next step you will need a fan grill

In order to make the structure stable, make the legs of bolts or screws of a suitable size.

Next, you should strengthen the connector from the wire - for this you will need a small ceramic block.

With it, we connect the wiring to the desoldering device. The device is ready to go. Elements of the board at the end of work are removed from the bowl with pliers or tongs.