May and June should be used as much as possible for the treatment of bird cherry. Eterocolitis can be treated when the intestines are sore, being inflamed, carry frequent, but non-infectious, origin. Diabetes in the initial stage can also be treated with bird cherry. To do this, you should prepare an infusion of bird cherry. But they can also wash their eyes in cases of conjunctivitis, which can not be cured. In a week there will be a result, and in two or three weeks of treatment you will feel relief, the inflammation of the conjunctiva will disappear and your eyes will no longer be red, tears will not flow and you will be pleased to look around without feeling discomfort.
And bird cherry - a wonderful diuretic and choleretic agent. For this, they use medicine from the flowers or fruits of bird cherry. Simple drinks cannot be prepared from this plant just to quench thirst, because it is medicinal.
Children who have caries, teeth blacken, do not grow, you can also give cherry blossom infusion, but a tablespoon three times a day and rinse your mouth (and make applications for diseased teeth). Teach children to rinse their mouth after eating, so that the oral cavity is clean, well disinfected, and this can be achieved with the help of bird cherry infusion.
In the flowers, as in the berries of cherry, there are a lot of vitamins C, R, E, a large number of volatile products, due to which this plant is so fragrant, a lot of minerals. And if in the spring bird cherry is called the bride, when she is all white, then in the fall they consider her the nurse, when the sweet black fruits ripen. They are very tasty, wonderful as the filling of pies, dumplings, they make tasty and fragrant jam.
It was not without reason that bird cherry was very widely used in folk medicine before: it was used to treat gout, rheumatism, and pulmonary tuberculosis. And still, boils, purulent wounds are widely treated by people, lotions are made, lotions are wiped, and rubbing with bird cherry infusion. It is worth noting that this plant in the garden takes root quite quickly.
When treating bird cherry, it is necessary to adhere to the dose. Large doses can be poisoned, because it contains hydrocyanic acid. Remember this.And you should also know that for the manufacture of medicines use fruits, flowers, bark of young branches and bird cherry leaves. The bark is prepared in the spring, flowers - during the period of full bloom. As soon as the plant fades, they immediately begin to harvest leaves. The collected raw materials are laid out in a thin layer on paper or cloth and dried under cover in free air or in a room with good ventilation. The fruits are harvested in the ripe autumn and used not only for cooking, but also dried in the sun, under tents or in dryers.