In furniture stores, a huge number of various coffee tables are sold: round, square, glass, wooden of any color and absolutely different cost. But all the tables look alike like twin brothers. It is very difficult to find an interior item that would not be like everyone else. We suggest you create a magnificent, elegant and compact coffee table made of glass and wood do it yourself. Having such an interior detail, you will receive great satisfaction from owning a completely unique item.
A table will bring comfort to your life: now you don’t have to get up from the couch to get a cup of coffee and a remote control from the TV - just turn the countertop and voila!
The tabletop can be any of your choice: transparent glass, on which sunbeams are reflected, or colored glass, suitable for the interior of your living room. If the glass does not fit the style of the room, then you can replace it with chipboard. A rotatable stem is achieved by applying skate rollers.

The countertop made of ordinary glass is very fragile, it requires special attention. In order not to think about how it would not break into many dangerous fragments, we recommend using tempered glass of at least 10 mm, which will be cut and edges processed at a specialized company. As an option, you can buy a ready-made round worktop. Performing this small precaution will allow you not to worry that your child will touch the table and get hurt.
The base of the coffee table is made of natural wood, the recommended thickness is 40 mm. and width 120 mm. The legs are 350 mm high. From leg to center length 450 mm.
On the planks that we plan to make vertical, draw a markup at an angle of 120 degrees, then crop. We must try very hard to make the edges clear and even, otherwise a not very beautiful appearance will appear through the countertop, so we recommend using a circular saw. As a result, we get beautiful planks with smooth edges.

The wooden frame is interconnected using furniture dowels and wood glue.
The horizontal part that is visible through the countertop must be correctly assembled. To do this, first mark the pencil on one of the strips and drill a hole perpendicular to the cut.

Insert any sharp object into the opening of the first bar. It can be an ordinary nail wrapped in electrical tape, then we will squeeze them together; this will allow you to see the mark from the nail on the second bar and you will see the exact place for drilling the dowel hole.

Then all the trims must be checked for symmetry.

All slats should be carefully processed with a special machine with fine grain to avoid nicks that can be injured.

It is possible to achieve the smoothness of the strips by opening the surface in several layers of varnish, using an ordinary soft sponge. Each time, opening the varnish must be alternated with polishing, otherwise the layers of varnish that we did before can raise the pile. The varnish should be allowed to dry completely.

The next step is to assemble the foundation. Where there will be connections, it is necessary to grease with glue, then tighten together and leave for a day. The glue should dry.

However, simply gluing the table trims may not be enough. For reliability, the back of the connection must be secured with a metal plate. The frame is ready!

Next, we begin to install videos from the skate. You don’t need to buy a whole skate for this, videos can be purchased at any store selling sporting goods.

The rollers must stand strictly at a distance of 100 mm from the edge of the table and are fixed parallel to their slats. If you do it wrong, you run the risk of getting an uneven countertop that will move when you turn to the side. If everything is done correctly. but the countertop still does not spin smoothly, you can make a small hole in the center and put a metal or wooden rod with a big round hat there.

So, the swivel coffee table is ready! We cover it with a worktop of your choice and you are the owner of a stylish piece of furniture that will decorate any living room.