The idea of such a bunk bed is to bring a piece of nature to the kids room. It is made not of purchased material, but of “living” wood, which can be found in any forest. And this is a very funny project for children, they just love their beds, and it does not require a lot of money.
The very first thing you should do is find a place in the children's room under such a bed, and measure the size of the mattress.
Finding material in the forest

In order to make a bed, we need wood. We suggest you go to the nearest forest with your children: it will be very interesting for them to search for the branches of trees of the right size themselves. And we need both straight branches and several V-shaped ones. If the age of your children allows, then invite them to cut some branches into pieces of the length we need, of course, under your control.
Removing bark from a tree

Removing bark from a tree is the most tedious step. For removal, the author tried several tools and recommends using a grinding machine. This is the most convenient tool, though there is a lot of dust from it. Hand tools take a lot of time. Try to keep the branches flat, otherwise your children may get hurt.
Find the correct size screws

For a beautiful look you need good screws that can be reused (all of a sudden you have to take apart the bed). We recommend using stainless steel screws of different lengths. Drill holes with a diameter of half or two third screws.
The basis for the mattress

The base for the mattress can be purchased in the store, or you can make it yourself from wood. Then you need fairly straight branches, on which boards are then attached.
Installing a bed on the wall

When the base for the mattress and the bed itself are ready, the next step is to mount it to the wall. At the desired height, put two, and preferably three mounts for greater reliability. Hang the bed and boards on them, as shown in the photo above.
Bed reinforcement

In an unsupported corner, we recommend putting V-shaped branches with a diameter of at least 10 cm. The fact is that such a hanging bed must support the weight of an adult (!) Person.Suddenly you want to get into bed with your child to read him a bedtime story? Or will your kids start playing one of their favorite games - jumping on the bed? If it seems to you that the bed is not quite firmly held, put additional reinforcement from the branches.
Adding Railings

Handrails are needed so that your child does not fall out of bed at night and so that the kids hold on to them when they get to sleep. We recommend making the height of the railing no higher than 30 cm and in diameter the largest "holes" should not exceed 10 cm.
For the railing, use irregularly shaped wood - it gives the most interesting look.
Try the bed

Before your children can use the beds, try them out for yourself. It is very important! Be sure to check the reliability of the mounts, the height of the railing, is it easy to climb onto such a bed. If something does not suit you, change it.
So: everything is ready! We hope your children enjoyed it!