A compact, safe and very stylish place for a campfire can be made in a summer cottage or in a suburban area. do it yourself from an ordinary wine barrel. This process will not take you much time, and the result will undoubtedly amaze your guests.
In order to make a bonfire place, you will need:
• Grinding machine
• Sandpaper, sand
• Rags
• Paint, impregnation or stain for wood
• Barrel for wine
• Forged ring pit for fire
Step # 1: Barrel for wine

A barrel can be purchased by announcement, from a private cooper or found with surprise in your own area. One way or another, but if the barrel is not new, then it will require work to give it an attractive appearance.
Step # 2: Grind!

The boards from which the barrel is made must be thoroughly cleaned and sanded to remove nicks, protrusions and irregularities.
Step # 3: Painting
Apply wood uniformly.

If dark spots have arisen in any place that you don’t like, you can remove them with a rag soaked in a solvent.
Good advice: when choosing a material for coating, give preference to a special fire-resistant composition, and then you can use your design without any fear.
Step # 4: Hoops
Rust, stains and paint can be removed from metal hoops with coarse river sand. They will sparkle like new. If desired, they can be painted black or dark brown.
Step # 5: Campfire Container

At the end, place a ready-made container with a net for fire on the top of the barrel. It can be purchased at a hardware store or purchased on an ad on the Internet. The diameter should be slightly larger than the neck of the barrel.
That's all, time to start a fire and grill kebabs! Bon Appetit!