If you want to somehow distinguish yourself and decorate your door, then this homemade just for you.
First you need to prepare the following materials.
- Transparent and white plastic with dimensions 300 × 500 mm;
- Plywood 6 mm thick;
- LEDs;
- Screws;
- Aluminum tape;
- Wires, heat shrink, solder.
- Drills with a drill;
- Screwdriver;
- Soldering iron;
- A hacksaw.
Stage 1: Making the Box

The first thing we do is the back plywood wall. We spread the box inside with an aluminum tape, making it brighter.

Stage 2: Internal Content

We put the LEDs in those places that should be highlighted. We drill holes in plexiglass. After this, it is necessary to fold a transparent with white plexiglass and also drill holes in the corners, fastening them.

Stage 3: Panel Gathering

Connect the LEDs to the doors. The panel will light up when the door opens.

Such an interesting panel will make your door mysterious.