Well, first things first. First, you need to prepare the handle itself, you can buy it (if you can, of course), but I personally made it myself do it yourself from a block of solid wood (like ash). In the photo, the old and new homemade handle:

Secondly, prepare a mixture of solder resin - rosin with fine sand or finely mashed pumice in the ratio of 3 parts of rosin to 1 part of sand or pumice.
We pour the finished mixture into the hole in the handle for the screwdriver shaft:
And finally, you need to heat up the metal core of the screwdriver (you can heat it up on an electric or gas stove) and insert it into the hole. Rosin will melt, impregnate wood, adhere to metal, and sand or pumice will give strength to the structure of the frozen resin. Wait for the resin to harden completely and feel free to use the tool!