Holographic three-dimensional pyramids are sold in online stores and cost a lot of money. We suggest you not to rush with the purchase of such a pyramid, because you can do it yourself. This is what this review is about.
Let's start by watching the author’s footage.
[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = QzH4Ll-xGEc]
So we need:
- glue gun;
- stationery knife;
- organic glass transparent;
- pliers;
- stencil;
- A mobile phone with a special holographic video clip.
In the absence of organic glass, you can use transparent plastic disc boxes. Links to videos will be given at the end of the review. Note that the width of the upper part of the stencil is 10 mm, the lower part is 60 mm, and the height is 35 mm. It is also important that the pyramid is located at an angle of 45 degrees.

The first step is to glue the stencil on organic glass. We temporarily glue the stencil on double-sided tape.
Next, with the help of a clerical knife, we make deep cuts and after that we break off the organic glass with the help of pliers. Previously, you can clamp the workpiece in a vice.
As a result, we should get a blank in the form of a triangle. If the chips remain uneven, they can be processed with sandpaper.
We do the same operation three more times, since in general we should get four identical pieces.
The blanks for the three-dimensional illusion are ready, so you can remove the substrates and glue them together with a glue gun.
Three-dimensional hologram is ready. To see the illusion, you need to install it upside down exactly in the center on the smartphone screen. It is also necessary to close the pyramid with a piece of cardboard. According to the author, it is desirable that the cardboard is dark. It remains to simply launch the holographic video and observe the effect from any angle.
At the end, we will provide links to videos: