Previously, in every house of the Soviet northerner, there was such a makeshift boiler. With its help it was possible to quickly heat a bucket of water for drinking livestock, poultry or to melt imported frozen drinking water for people, which was usually stored in 200 liters. an iron barrel.

Video of the boiler.
The design of the boiler turned out to be very simple, reliable, maintainable and easily repeatable, all the parts (at that time) were easily accessible, in every store there was always a large selection of nichrome spirals for tiles, heaters, and there were plenty of blown fuses (for the case) at each production.
I propose to repeat this design and make a "turbo" boiler with the highest possible capacity for this size of the case.
Point 1. For the manufacture we need.
• Nichrome spiral or wire (preferably d = 1 mm).
• Industrial fuse PN2 or its ceramic housing.
• Wood screws with a length of 20 mm - 8 pcs.
• Wire with plug (cross-section not less than 4 mm2).
• Device for winding a spiral (look here).
• Knife, screwdriver.
Item 2. Calculation of the power of the incandescent spiral.
1. Determination of current I = P / U
2. The resistance of the spiral R = U / I
3. The length of the required wire R = ρ • l / S
4. Wire cross section S = π • d² / 4 or S = 0.8 • d²
A photo. A coil of nichrome wire.

First you need to decide which nichrome spiral or wire you can get, if any, then your possibilities are simply endless: wink:. The thicker the diameter (section) of the wire is, the more powerful the heater will turn out, a boiler.
We measure the diameter of nichrome with a caliper and look at the table below.

In the line with the resulting diameter, in the last column, the maximum current value for this wire is indicated.
When using the heater in a liquid, this value can be further increased by 1.2-1.5 times.
I found a wire d = 1 mm. (S = 0.8mm2), according to the table it turns out that for 1000C the Current is I = 19.2A.
We apply the coefficient for liquid (water) 1.4, we will not take the maximum.
(1) It turns out: I = 19.2A * 1.4 = 26.88A.maximum current for the future boiler I = 26.9A.
Let's see what it will be in kW .: P = I * U = 26.9A * 220V = 5918.6W. = 5.9kW.
That’s how it should turn out to be a powerful boiler, about 6 kW.
(2) We calculate the necessary resistance for the wire: R = U / I = 220v / 26.88A = 8.18ohm.
(3) Now we calculate the necessary length of the wire for winding it in a spiral: l = R • S / ρ = 8.18 Ohm * 0.8 / 1.11 = 5.89 m.
ρ - we take from the bottom table.
All the necessary data have been obtained, you can bite off 6 meters of nichrome wire and curl it in a spiral on a special device (as an option).
Item 3. Production of a boiler.
We take here such PN2 safety lock (usually on 100A. And more).

Their main place of application, here are such shields with a handle.

Having unscrewed the eight screws, pour sand from the inside (by the way, very good quartz sand, can anyone look for this: winked :), we will completely disassemble the PN2 fuse, we get such a ceramic case for our boiler.

Take the other eight, longer screws and tighten them into place, should remain unscrewed by about 5 mm.

We put a spiral into the insulator and bend the end around one of the screws.

We do the same thing, with a snake, a little with a stretch, around all the screws, at the last we finish the spiral. If there is too much left, bite off, if short, then evenly stretch the entire spiral.

We connect the wire with the plug to the starting points of the spiral, it is imperative to use a wire of large cross section, 4 mm2 is the minimum, which will still noticeably heat up.

The boiler is ready.
Item 4. Tests in work.
You can only connect this device to an outlet, wiring, and machines that are rated for a current of 30A or more! (for less powerful ten the restrictions are reduced)
In the on state, it is strictly forbidden to touch the heated container and water!
Do not leave unattended, use out of reach of children!
We hang the boiler in a container with heated water so that it does not touch the walls and does not lie on the bottom.

We turn on 220 volts in the network and check the readings of the resulting power with the device, it turned out to be 26-27A, which corresponds to the calculated one.

Such a boiler is capable of boiling a bucket of water in 8-9 minutes, and 200 liters. a barrel in about 3 -3.5 hours.
PS. Holders of free electricity, use your health.