For work, you need the following materials:
- Newspaper tubes
- corrugated board
- Electrodes
- Transparent glue gun
Getting to the manufacture of the ship:
First, form the bottom. Cut two pieces from the corrugated cardboard and glue them together, then press it with a press.

Cut two more pieces of the same shape, but a little smaller and glue them. It will be the bottom.

Cut fourteen pieces eight by ten centimeters in size and glue seven pieces together.

Glue them on top of the bottom.

Turn it over and crush it with a load so that it sticks together better.

Take two electrodes and pierce the deck with them.

Then wrap the electrodes with newspapers.

Pour hot glue into the holes from the electrodes and insert the electrodes there.

Then proceed to weaving. Insert the tubes into the bottom corrugated board.

Raise the racks.

Weave four rows with a rope of two tubes.

In the fifth row, add the third tube and weave a rope of three tubes.

Weave a few more rows so that the braid reaches the decks. Proceed to weaving the mast.

Two tubes braid the electrodes. Then make a viewing basket. The author showed two options. First, you can
start weaving a string around the remaining tubes.

The second option is to wind a brown tube around the electrode.

With the help of toothpicks, make holes in the stern.

Then pour hot glue into them and insert the tubes.

Now leading pipes weave only stern.

Paste the deck with light tubes.

Put another electrode on your nose and wrap it with brown tubes.

Then proceed to weaving the captain’s bridge.

The beads end with a beautiful bend of two tubes.

Something like this, as the author showed in the photo the ship should look like.

Weave a couple of rows, then glue the cardboard.

Top cover it with planks of tubes.

Finish the front posts.

On the back you form a railing.

Cut off all unnecessary and stain with stain.

Attach two newspaper tubes to the electrodes.

Glue guys from white tubes.

Paint over with stain with glue one more time.

Do the sails.

Glue them on both sides.

Cut to the size of the sail. Prepare the ducts that will hold the sails.

Glue the tubes to the sails.

Fasten the sails to the newspaper tubes.

Make a helm out of a brown tube.

Then make a triangular sail.

Glue all the sails to the ship.

So the ship is ready.