Beginners summer residents, surely sooner or later to face the problem of drip irrigation. We will not talk about the guru of summer cottages, since they have already managed to eat a dog in this matter. Both beginners and experienced gardeners are united by the desire to constantly grow plants, but unfortunately this is not always possible. That is why the drip irrigation system of priceless beds was invented.
Complex systems we will not consider, since this material is primarily aimed at beginners. Let's consider the possibility of arranging drip irrigation do it yourself using plastic bottles. Why exactly plastic bottles? This is an affordable material and is available to everyone at hand.
In order to make a drip irrigation system from plastic bottles with your own hands, you need to take:
- plastic bottles;
- wooden sticks;
- knife;
- tape or rope.
Using plastic bottles, you can make two types of drip irrigation of plants and both of them deserve attention.
1. We suspend bottles. Above the plant bush, you need to hang a bottle. The bottle is attached to the supports of the sticks. It looks device as follows - on both sides of the bush, two sticks are dug in and fastened with a third, which is parallel to the ground. Here, just on this parallel stick is attached a plastic bottle filled with water, in which you must first make a hole. In diameter, the hole should be very small, like a small hole. To achieve the best result, the bottle is fixed down with the neck.

2. Underground drip irrigation. This irrigation system is even easier to do than the previous one, since only bottles are needed for this, though a larger volume. We take the bottle, cut the bottom and twist the neck with a lid. Next, you need to make holes in the bottle on the sides, also small.

The number of holes directly depends on the density of the soil.If the soil is too dense, then we make four holes, and if the soil is soft, then one hole will be enough. Now, between the two bushes, we dig a hole about fifteen centimeters deep and put a bottle in it. The diameter of the pit must match the diameter of the bottle. All that is now required of you is to fill the bottle with water.

These two irrigation systems are good in that you can not worry about watering the plants. If all the bottles are filled with water, then this will be enough for the plants for four days, that is, your plants will not need your presence during the whole working week.