Every amateur tinkering electronic appliances and crafts, more than once faced with the need to wind an inductor or inductor. In the schemes, of course, they indicate the number of winding coils and which wire, but what if the specified diameter of the wire is not available, but is much thicker or thinner ??
I will tell you how to do this in my example.
I wanted to make this circuit Radio control 10 teams . The winding data of the coils in the diagram are indicated (6 turns of wire 0.4 on a 2mm frame), these winding data correspond to 47nH-nano Henry, everything would be fine but I had a 0.6mm wire. I found help in the Coil32 program.
Open the program
At the bottom we see that in the program you can calculate almost any coil. One just has to select the one you need from the list, select (single-layer coil to coil)
Go to settings and click Options
In the window that appears, select nH
We return to our circuit, for example, I did not tell you what inductance of the coils and you only have winding data, how can we now find out what their inductance is ??
To do this, insert the data of these coils known to us into the windows, select the winding length until the calculations coincide with our data.
And so the calculations showed that the winding length is 3.1mm with 6 turns of wire 0.4, on the mandrel 2mm. and inductance 47nH.
Now we put the diameter of our wire 0.6mm.
But now the inductance is small, so we begin to increase, for example, the length of the winding, it turned out 5.5mm
That's it, the coil is ready.
But if, for example, you already etched the boards, but the size of the contacts for the coil remains the same, that is, for a coil with a winding length of 3 mm, but it turned out to be 5.5 mm for you (it will be problematic to solder 3 such coils alongside)
So you need to reduce our coil, put in the window the diameter of the frame is not 2mm, but 4mm. And our coil with a 0.6mm wire, decreases in length from 5.5mm to 3mm and the number of turns 3.5, +/- 1-2 nH does not play a big role, but we can easily solder our inductors.
That's all, I hope my article will help you. In this program, you can calculate different coils, choose from the list which one you need and you will succeed.