Each hunter understands that a special knife can not be dispensed with, and with it you can chop a torch for a fire, you can fix equipment and process your prey. So this is device is truly universal. And you can make it like this yourself to your taste.
Materials and tools:
1. Emery stone.
2. Diamond file.
3. Drill.
4. Drills.
5. Files.
6. Abrasive bars.
7. Current rectifier.
8. Soldering iron.
9. Grinding wheel.
10. Metal for the knife. It is advisable to choose high-speed tool steel.
11. Wood for the manufacture of the handle.
12. Rivets.
13. The plate is brass or bronze.
Operating procedure:
Any work begins with a drawing. And in this case, you need two drawings - the knife itself and a separate blade with a shank.

Now you can carefully cut the layout of the blade. The basis for the layout is paper of the greatest possible strength. This thing is superimposed on the hacksaw material and circled as clearly as possible.

The workpiece is placed on the emery machine and turned around the contour. It is important to remember that the place of transition from the blade to the shank should be semicircular - this will increase the strength of the product. Before turning it is recommended to prepare a container with water, in which metal should be dipped more often - thereby reducing the risk of overheating.

Making the right rivet holes on alloy steel is quite difficult. At this stage, you can contact the specialists. However, if there is a current rectifier at hand, the procedure can be quite successful using electrolysis.
The next step is as difficult as making rivets. The conclusion of the descents of the blade is not always obtained immediately, so it is recommended to practice on some unnecessary materials. Concave descents are easiest to get out on emery, but with a flat wedge everything is many times more complicated. It is advisable to start with slightly curved lenticular slopes. The main requirement for them is the same width, angle, simultaneous and clear completion. Do not forget about the fragility of the red-hot blade, cooling it periodically in cold water.

To improve the through cut of the product and relieve it of the risk of corrosion, it is necessary to carry out grinding and polishing. For this, a rough stone is taken, able to grind out all the bumps. The slopes as well as the cutting edge are leveled using a suitable bar. After that, the emery should be installed volcanic disk. An alternative is a felt circle treated with abrasive paste.

For the manufacture of the sleeve you will need a brass plate with a thickness of 3-5 mm, from which an oval is cut. When calculating the size of the oval, proceed from the parameters of the knife itself. Best of all, the sleeve will look like a stop that protrudes more than 5 mm above the handle. Do not forget about the hole for the shank. Solder the sleeve with the base of the blade can be soldered with the filing of the tin filing filed.

Now you can begin to make the handle of your favorite tree. The form is chosen for personal taste. With a shank, it is fastened with rivets. After that, the tree is treated with a protective compound and remains to dry.

The final stage is the application of engraving, jewelry, sewing scabbard. All these procedures are carried out based solely on preferences, as well as on the purpose of the knife.

Experts say that often the shape, size, quality of factory knives for hunting leave much to be desired. At the same time, a homemade item can last much longer and more efficiently, becoming, moreover, an object of pride.