This tackle is made quite quickly and does not require any special skills. The bream on such a rocker takes quite willingly and rarely spits out hooks. As an example, to create such a gear, the author took a store version.

Necessary materials and tools
- sinker (with a loop and cambric inside the hole);
- metallized leash for pike fishing (black or green);
- scissors;
- hooks;
- wine cork and toothpick (for the manufacture of a float);
- fishing line 0.1-0.2, hooks.

Gear assembly
Stage 1. Making the rocker
Rockers are made from those leashes that are used when fishing for pike, zander and other predators. Leashes are cut into certain sizes and inserted into the sinker. At the same stage, the fishing line is stretched and cambrics are installed on separate sections of the rocker arm. After the fishing line is extended, the sinker needs to be squeezed a little using pliers. It is necessary to compress until the fishing line passes through the load with tension. This is done for insurance in case of biting a large bream.
The author makes rockers of different sizes and weights, everything here depends on the conditions of fishing. On average, the thickness of the fishing line should be about 0.1-0.2 mm.

Stage 2. Creating a float
To make the float, a wine cork and a toothpick are used. A hole is made in the cork, then a fishing line is passed through it. Subsequently, an ordinary toothpick is inserted into the float, it fixes the fishing line, and it also acts as a mast.

Stage 3. Loading and painting the float
Before painting the float, the author goes fishing first and checks how the float behaves in real conditions. After that, the float is dried and painted. However, it is not necessary to go to a pond for these purposes, because you can load a float at home by collecting water in a container. Since pellets of different sizes can be used in the manufacture of the rocker arm, subsequently, the entire rocker arm is selected for a specific float.If the beam is too light, it’s not scary, if necessary, the load can be added by installing on a fishing line. But for a rocker that is too heavy, it will be necessary to look for or make a more massive float.
The top of the float is painted with white varnish for the floats, and the lower part is painted red. Such a float is clearly visible at night.

That's all, the tackle is ready, you can start fishing for bream. This rocker will work especially well when fishing at great depths and currents.