We all know that the new furniture It is very expensive, and not everyone can constantly update it. And what if the old one, for example, a sofa, functions well, but it just lost its external beauty, and the upholstery was completely erased. Do not throw it away because of such a trifle. The solution is quite simple! You can drag the sofa again.
For these purposes, you can invite specialists who for a fee will drag your old sofa with new upholstery. Or do it do it yourself. Many people think that doing this kind of work yourself is very difficult, but in fact it is not at all. The main thing is to understand the stages of work and find all the necessary tools. Let's take a closer look at all the stages of work, and you can easily after a while boast, so to speak, a “new” sofa.
Necessary tools
For a banner of a sofa home conditions you will need:
1. A flat screwdriver to remove old brackets.
2. Wrenches from 7 to 18 mm.
3. Scissors, wire cutters, glue, side cutters.
4. Furniture stapler.
5. Sewing machine.
6. Threads having high strength, for example, Titan.
7. For design, you may need decorative buttons (if desired).
The main stages of the constriction of upholstered home furniture with your own hands:
Stage 1
We disassemble and remove the individual components in the form of pillows, sidewalls, poufs. We disassemble the sofa using some necessary tools. First carefully detach the side parts, remove all attachments, seat and backrest. Often, this is done quite easily, as manufacturers present furniture with high maintainability. Fold all fasteners in a prepared container so as not to lose them during further work.
2 stage
We remove the old upholstery that has become unusable. Unsuitable upholstery can be removed with an anti-stapler, or replace it with a regular flat screwdriver. Do not forget that the work requires some accuracy from you. Do not tear the old casing, because we will use it as a pattern to cut the necessary details from the new fabric. Clean all interior cavities of the sofa from debris and dust. Pay attention to the foam, if it is in good condition, you can not throw it away, if it is very worn, it is better to buy a new one. Carefully inspect metal grids, springs, various stretch marks. If necessary, repair some detected defects or breakdowns.Tissue stretch marks must be replaced with new ones. Gently tighten all the screws, tighten the joints of the parts, glue the wooden joints.
3 stage
We proceed to cutting new upholstery parts. It is the quality of the new patterns that largely determines the final result of the entire constriction of this product. The pattern for our pattern will be the old upholstery, most importantly at the edges of the new fabric, leave an allowance of a few centimeters. We take the details of the old upholstery, impose them on a new fabric, circle with chalk, do not forget to add a few centimeters along the edges, and cut out all the details with sharp scissors.

4th stage
We fix the new upholstery on the furniture details. The fabric on the details of the sofa must be stretched evenly so as not to distort the pattern (if any) on the fabric. We fasten all the parts with the help of a stapler. The distance between each bracket should not be more than 4 cm in order to firmly fix all the details of our pattern. If you are afraid to make a mistake with the amount of new fabric, we recommend buying it with a small margin. Even if you later have excess material, you can easily fit stools in the kitchen or sew decorative pillows. Foam, if necessary, we cut out and fasten in the same way as a new fabric. For convenience, you can cut it with a sharp kitchen knife.
5 stage
Complete assembly of the updated furniture design. We assemble the sofa in the same way as we took it apart. The main thing is that there are no "extra parts" left after assembly, as is often the case!

Well, that’s all, the new upholstered furniture pleases the eye of the wife and children. And the neighbors line up for your services. At the same time, you save considerable money that you need to pay to the master for hauling your furniture.