In the summer, relaxing in the yard and garden, become a favorite pastime for all family members. For this, it is the best suited, this original, and most importantly functional bench / bench.
To make a bench / bench, you need to take:
• Two old chairs, with curved backs (we can without sitting, since we do not need it). It is advisable that the legs and back of the chair are not separated.
• Bars 50x30 mm, approximately 8 meters
• Wood screws
• Sandpaper, large and small
• Putty or wood primer
• Paint on wood (color according to your desire)
• Plywood or particleboard
• Foam rubber
• Upholstery
• Stapler
• Piano loop (loop length = seat length)
1. We take 2 identical chairs, we remove from them all parts, except for a back with back legs.

2. The bars are measured, sawed and assemble a rectangle with a width equal to the width of the chairs and long as you wish, but do not do more than one and a half meters. We fix them together and attach to the backs of chairs, using wood screws.

3. Similarly, we make the lower shelf, which will serve both for additional support and screed, and for storing something. We fasten from six to ten levels on the lower shelf.

4. If the chairs have an old coating, such as varnish or paint, then using large sandpaper, carefully remove all layers of this coating. Then we putty the surface of the entire bench with a special putty or primer, to fill the fools and bumps. After drying, we again process the surface with fine sandpaper, and then paint it.

5. To make a seat, we take plywood or chipboard and cut a rectangle equal to our base. Then we take the foam and cut a rectangle half a centimeter more on each side than the seat. Next, take the upholstery fabric and cut out a rectangle 5 centimeters more on each side than the seat. We put foam on the seat and tighten the fabric on top, using a stapler. We fasten the seat to the base of the bars with the help of a piano loop, the desired length.

Our bench / bench is ready! Have a wonderful leisure!